

All it takes is just over two hours by train from St Pancras to get to Paris, and find yourself in a culture that is both very familiar and yet very different.

KFC Hotel in London in partnership with

The fast-food restaurant company has collaborated with to create a pop-up hotel that will be open for just 11 days, with bookings available from 11th August. Rooms will come with a “press for chicken” button so fans will never be too far away from their favourite finger-licking snack.

TikTok advertising campaign screenshot

TikTok, formerly known as, is already a big deal when it comes to social media marketing. But don’t be fooled, while the platform was previously full of tweens lip syncing and dancing to pop hits, since it’s buy-out by ByteDance it’s become almost a Vine 2.0, but with a little more to get your teeth into.

Three cheers for four amazing award nominations for Gallium Ventures! We are so excited to share that our talented team and crowned clients have been recognised by the PRCA Dare Awards, the PRMoment Awards and The Drum Marketing Awards.