
Here you will find our thoughts, research and musings on all things PR, marketing and beyond.
July 5, 2024

With most of the major tech companies hedging their bets on Artificial Intelligence (AI), we’re set to see a future where this technology is at the forefront of innovation; but at what cost? As this area of tech is coming out of its infancy, we’re starting to see the impact AI is having on the environment – and it’s not looking good. In Google’s 2024 Environmental Report, the company revealed that its carbon emissions spiked by nearly 50 per cent since 2019, largely due to the data centres required to power AI. This, of course, hampers the company’s mission of...

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May 14, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of the tech industry, some companies become household names, shaping the way we live and work. However, as time marches on, the fate of these once-innovative firms takes unexpected turns. Today, let’s take a nostalgic journey through the trajectories of three tech companies that once captured our imaginations: Withings, NEEO and BlackBerry. Withings: A Pioneer in Connected Health Once at the forefront of the digital health revolution, Withings emerged as a pioneer in the connected health space. Known for its innovative products like smart scales, blood pressure monitors, and fitness trackers, Withings aimed to empower individuals...

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March 20, 2024

Any IPO is a major moment in time for a brand. But for Reddit, the upcoming IPO means so much more, to so many more. Predictions often say that what happens on 21 March is a litmus test. Not just for the value of challenger, loss-making, advertising-based social media companies, or even for their viability with investors. Instead, it’s a test for the IPO market itself.  If done successfully — and if they are able to convince institutional investors there is tangible value in their model — this could be a turning point in a lackluster IPO landscape. But it...

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February 20, 2024

In an interconnected world where borders are no longer barriers, the significance of international public relations (PR to the rest of us) for brands seeking expansion beyond their home country cannot be overstated. As markets become increasingly globalized, businesses are presented with unparalleled opportunities to tap into new customer bases and diversify their revenue streams. However, to navigate the complexities of international markets successfully, brands must recognize the pivotal role that international PR plays in building a strong, positive global presence. Building trust across borders One of the foremost reasons why international PR is crucial for brand expansion is its...

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February 6, 2024

Facebook is 20 years old. Feel old yet? I suppose that depends on whether you still actively use Facebook or not… I digress. The social network that has since dominated the globe has two decades of history under its belt and during that time has managed to influence a lot of what we now do online, but before we jump into that, let’s go to the beginning. Fear of missing out If there’s one thing that Facebook influenced, especially when it comes to new platforms on the Internet, it is the FOMO we get for not being on those platforms....

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December 20, 2023

It’s been a dramatic year for the music industry. We’re proud to have played a part in shaping some of the biggest conversations currently happening. From new economic models and tackling streaming fraud, to promoting the role of monetizing lyrics to create new revenue streams (on which we have scored some amazing coverage for our clients. No sweat).  But amidst all of our work, we’ve also been exposed to some of the latest and greatest thinking from leaders in the industry. Here’s what they — and we — are looking out for in the year to come.  Personalization and superfans...

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CES 2022 Sign outside of the Las Vegas Convention Center
November 9, 2023

If you’re looking to attend a trade show either as a newbie or a skilful veteran, a startup founder, a journalist, or on behalf of your company, you can never be too prepared for what’s in store, from the food (or lack thereof) to the sheer amount of walking you’ll be doing.  Fortunately, as seasoned experts in this arena, we’ve got you covered with a selection of things you need to keep in mind when attending trade shows, both big and small. You’re welcome.  Comfortable shoes Let’s be honest unless you’re attending Paris Fashion Week, most of these events aren’t...

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November 1, 2023

Apple surprised us all at the end of October with a “Scarily Fast” event where they announced a new MacBook Pro and iMac with the M3 family of chips. But what seems to have the Internet up in arms is the message “Shot on iPhone, edited on Mac”, but why? It’s no secret that Apple is incredibly proud of the capabilities of both their current flagship iPhones, so it makes sense that they’d want to prove just how well these devices can perform. At a glance, the message “Shot on an iPhone, edited on Mac” seems like a pretty simple...

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