

These days, fintech is big business. The global fintech market is expected to reach nearly $310 billion by 2022. While this is still small compared to the traditional global financial services market, there is a massive opportunity for innovative, fast-growth firms - but only if they create a strong brand and positive reputation. 

Why diversifying your social media portfolio is important

You’re probably aware that earlier this week someone at Facebook accidentally tripped over the plug to the social media giant’s servers, rendering three of the biggest social platforms and one of the biggest virtual reality platforms completely unusable. 

KFC Hotel in London in partnership with

The fast-food restaurant company has collaborated with to create a pop-up hotel that will be open for just 11 days, with bookings available from 11th August. Rooms will come with a “press for chicken” button so fans will never be too far away from their favourite finger-licking snack.

A globalising world ruled by TNC’s has allowed individuals in any country to connect through shared experiences of brands products and services. Somewhat sadly, you can now travel to different sides of the globe and experience a deja vu of storefronts making you feel you aren’t quite so far from...

South Dakota’s PSA anti-Meth campaign is my new favourite ad fail. The double entendre, that I’m sure Minneapolis ad agency Broadhead thought they were so clever about, has completely missed the mark. If you were left confused and bemused at your initial look at the creative, you’re in good company...